We hear all about this Consciousness Shift that’s happening, but how can you tell if it’s happening to you?
People like Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie had very marked transformations. They each literally woke up one morning and each found their ego had dissolved.
And, you know, they’re famous people. They have best selling books. They’ve been on Oprah. So that must be what happens when you shift, right? No more pain, no more money worries, and you’re instantly enlightened.
That’s what happened to them. That’s what’s happened to some people. I talked to a woman in New England who’d had a similar experience, but lived a very quiet life afterwards.
It was a relief to connect with her. Because I was worried about turning into Byron Katie or Eckhart Tolle. I think it would be a pain in the ass to live with them. I can’t imagine staying married or having my kids around me, if I were questioning every thought or being constantly in the present moment.
Of course that’s the monkey mind ego talking. Because in reality, Byron Katie has a better relationship now with her adult children than when they were growing up. And has a loving relationship with her husband. Eckhart Tolle is also married (although I remember reading how he drove his wife crazy sorting out the recycling a piece at a time, when she just wanted to get it to the curb for pickup).
But the Consciousness Shift is different for everyone. It’s like being at a baseball game and the crowd does “the Wave”. People across the stadium start standing up, and it goes around the stands until it comes to you. Not everyone is standing up at once. And not everyone experiences it in the same way.
I’ve been evolving as Consciousness since 1974, consciously using techniques since 1981, and my language and experience has changed and expanded along the way. In 2006 I reached a tipping point, which propelled me into a new way of being.
Some people are finding themselves hyper sensitive, they’re feeling or sensing everyone around them. Some are having a hard time sleeping. Many feel uncomfortable and out of sorts with their old lives, and yet excited and impassioned about what seems to be awakening within.
A lawyer I know felt crazy because she wanted to quit her practice and be a Reiki Master.
A Christian who spent every Sunday in Church since childhood, left her community and discovered a deeper spirituality than she’d ever thought possible.
What happened to me is my old practice stopped working, my old belief system disintegrated. It was very disorienting, since I was very identified with my teachings. I was an energy expert, in techniques that have been around for thousands of years.
I’ve successfully “upgraded” those original techniques, and found new ways to navigate. I had to learn to bypass my intellect, and be improvisational, responding to whatever shows up in the moment.
In the past few years my empathy has gone through the roof. I sense family members who live 3,000 and 6,000 miles away. I know when someone has read an email I’ve sent. And that’s just with people who are still alive.
Ten years ago when I had a stint as a phone psychic, I developed clairvoyant techniques for talking with dead people. However what I experience now is kinesthetic, I’ll feel them waft through me. And visual, usually symbolic reminders that they’re around, although recently I’m actually detecting thought forms. Which might be more about time and space breaking down for me than actually connecting with the being in it’s deceased non-physical form.
The newest experience for me is noticing gridlines. Not vertical like in the movie the Matrix, but horizontal, and sparkly, superimposed over physical reality.
The other day I was having a challenging time, taking someone recently diagnosed with dementia to a support group. It was bringing up memories of doing the same thing for my mother, although this situation and this person is completely different. Experiences like this have been coming up recently and they’re an opportunity to be in present time, and release past energy.
When I was in the present moment, I would see these gridlines. When I sunk into my thoughts, they went away. Or, more accurately, I sunk into density and my ability to notice the gridlines went away. I’m choosing not to label or define it, I’m just noticing what is happening.
It’s a very subtle shift. And I suspect for everyone, their expansion into Consciousness on one hand is subtle but profound.
On the other hand, physical reality could be completely falling apart around you. That does tend to happen when we move to a new level. When you no longer match the density you’re in, reality reorganizes.
It’s less painful when you don’t resist the changes. It’s more graceful when you navigate it as Consciousness.
You don’t have to try to do anything to expand. It’s happening without any effort on your part. You just have to notice. And enjoy the ride.